Sunday, August 11, 2024

Missing You - For My Mom

I unexpectedly lost my Mom in early 2022.  She had a lot of health issues over the years, but she always kept going, and she always kept a smile on her face.  So when she fell and broke her hip, I never thought after all she had already been through that we would lose her from that.  It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever experienced, but it taught me to never take anything for granted.  Life is too short and too precious and we never know what's around the bend.

Mom I love with you all my heart, yesterday, today, tomorrow and forever.  This one is for you.

This background was made using a very sweet FTU tube from AI Generations by Caz  and a very pretty FTU scrap kit from Adrienne's Designs called I'm Blue.  If you want to snag this background, instructions are on the sidebar of this blog.

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